I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything
All relationships but one Are located on a continuum From one pole of complete trust To the opposite pole of total fear The exception that proves the rule
The ego always has three choices: 1. It can listen to the id and do what it wants to do 2. It can listen to the superego a… what it is supposed to do
She was so cool that even her periods were fashionably late
What looks like the wreckage of my life is just my crumple zone doing its job
When things were easy going it was easy to believe you were on the up and up But when the going got tough suddenly you were going
Our task is never-ending And our time is limited This is a major source of complain… But consider the opposite possibil… Our work here is done
God is the world’s only super-bower
If we had our druthers We would be insufferable Instead, we suffer As if desire were a curse And not our saving grace
With the sexual revolution as with all the other belief syste… what men take as an article of faith women have to wear
Jews have learned the hard way How to discern when someone has Failed to earn their F for failin… The tell is whenever a Jew just Living a life
Given the current nostalgia for shared reality we shouldn’t forget that peak shared reality was mutually assured destruction
You’ll know you’re talking to God When He doesn’t talk back Yet you still have your answer
We have passed from an age of temporary solutions for permanent… consider religion and death– to an era of permanent solutions for temporary…
The difference between your superego and God is that your superego says You must, but you can’t leaving you with worlds of guilt