Knowledge is power said the company man of the hour on whom we all soon began to sour for institutional knowledge is dou…
Beliefs and behavior are the real… One leads to another And we have no idea How it all started Our name for that lacuna is God
Time flies when you’re having fun And the key to fun is wanting Not having
Nature codes us for the road Man decodes and lo, a crossroads Where God goads
Human beings have always been figh… with one hand tied behind our back… Unconscious human intelligence ena… to act without thinking and conscious human intelligence a…
When hell freezes over we’ll all skate on our sins
Whether or not “art is the proper task of life” the transition to AI-generated synthetic media will complete the debasement of th…
When I got my first honey-do list after the wedding I explained to my bride that I us… until I was bitten by one of the 5… that don’t make webs
Like Coke for Coca-Cola, Mr. Pibb is short for Mr. Pibb, ABD
We pass through birth, life, and death like H2O phasing through ice, water, and steam so yes
Following AI’s posthuman moral ca… And thus unsatisfied that hell isn… Human beings are bound and determi… To do the superego’s bidding And right that wrong
Read between the lines: We are behind enemy lines
In His infinite wisdom God made the pen mightier than the… Which is why the internet’s first… Is the First Amendment It’s only once free speech and fre…
Our glass Is an hourglass And whether it is half-full Or half-empty Time is running out
This isn’t the best of all possible worlds but God does His best with what we give Him to work with