If you feel like you’ve been getting away with something you’ve probably been cheating yourself
I have a bad habit of predicting the future; it has kept me alive but only to fight another day And yes, my brain is pattern-seeki…
The number one cause of divorce Is holding a grudge We are divorced from reality Because we hold a grudge against t… We resent the truth
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
It’s hard to quantify change We keep running our equations Adding and subtracting everything… From everything we know about God And the numbers don’t add up–
In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
Negative theology collapsed when it became apparent God was sanguine
There are neither good people nor normal people just people who are good at sticki…
The brain is the heart’s fifth chamber and I am the chambermaid
While loved ones may or may not have the chance to say goodbye to the
“Did you know that your brain regularly fills in for missing information, much of the time without you even knowing that this is going on?” “(I)t happens so very quickly and without con...
Think about how much control they… with a made up version of eternal damnation Then consider how much freedom you’ll be left with
Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
The Cheshire Cat and Schrodinger’s Cat couldn’t agree on a place to meet
When Plan A is not having a plan Plan B is not having an exit strategy