It would have been enough Had God merely kept His promises But since He knows a thing or two About human psychology God always under-promises and over…
I respond to A nail in my tire Like it’s the last nail In my coffin
The depths of despair will be alleviated to the degree of your depths of attachment
One of the clearest differences be… Is that all of God’s rules Are written down in the Torah While the devil strictly relies on… This is because
A poem is like a dream In that it shows us the truth Without telling it Because, truth be told There’s no telling
For every deep dive into the data there’s a data analyst with the be…
I always thought saying slide trombone was like saying pizza pie until I heard about the valve trombone
In families adept at keeping open secrets no one expects you to state the obvious
Having finally found my place I am ready for anything And everything Don’t worry– There’s a place for anyone
Some people have baggage; I come with furniture Fortunately, my wife enjoys rearranging
Thinking and feeling necessitates a lot of linking and… Done alone you just get a sinking… while on screen they see blinking…
Per Wittgenstein Words only gain meaning through th… And they are always used in the co… Of the game being played in the mo… So, when we use words
Because we are social beings whenever people said they have no… they always meant they have no soc… Real life was social life But now social life is short for
Our faith will be tested And this test isn’t pass/fail; It’s life and death– Life is our test, Death is our grade,
As an American I have a posteriori knowledge that Americans pretend without reason to a priori knowledge of the other