Jews learned to read between the l… when time and again they were granted a lifetime membe… only to find that their membership could still be lapsed
I remember saying to myself Okay, this is it the moment of truths
The Cookie Monster is just living up to the name Kermit gave him
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
Rome wasn’t built in a day But it was sacked In a day and a half
At first moving heaven and earth is its own reward because it’s hell on wheels But self-flagellation
It would have been enough Had God merely kept His promises But since He knows a thing or two About human psychology God always under-promises and over…
A mid-life crisis happens when you realize that life is a treadmill which keeps speeding up until you fall off
There’s only one way To win a game of chicken But there are two ways to lose And the only chance of victory Is knowing ahead of time
I had previously asserted that An ideology will fail When it asks its followers to beli… Despite the fact that it isn’t tru… But an ideology will succeed
Aristocracy failed because it couldn’t keep some of the people happy all of the time Democracy is failing because
AI is A nobody And I am Nobody’s fool
When I sallied forth to share my… just one voice in the wild multipl… They told me to go fly a kite; it seemed that’s just life in the… Then I recalled as it began to ta…
You’ll know you’ve weathered their gaslighting if you feel dazed but not confused
I’ve wasted most of my life wondering Why do I believe in God? when I should have been asking Why does God believe in me?