Less self-interest is in your best interest except on Pinterest
I’ll give you the forest And I’ll take the trees You save the whales And I’ll keep the bees The sand in your eyes
My wife is a lot like God If God weren’t perfect Like Him, she’s my toughest criti… But also my fiercest champion
All men come with self-destruct bu… If he seems to be missing one, you’re the button
The first half of life: Did I say that? The second half of life: I did say that The end of life:
The ego always has three choices: 1. It can listen to the id and do what it wants to do 2. It can listen to the superego a… what it is supposed to do
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
Because desire is lack like everyone else I take what I can’t get until I learn to give what I can
The world is a cast of characters Social media is a caste of caricatures
It’s only once you realize There’s no such thing As your own success That you avoid becoming A victim of your own success
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
Fox News said it was “Fair and B… which supposedly meant that it was… because it was balanced but really it meant that it was fa… because it wasn’t balanced–
Our brains are just big enough to operate eight fingers and two thumbs An octopus is smart but if it also had
When they closed all the beaches my dad said not to worry and I just knew he’d install the swimming pool I’d always wante… Instead, I came home from school
My wife is R2-D2 Which, of course Makes me C-3PO She is constantly getting us into… In order to save us from ourselves