Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
Human beings evolved to avoid face-to-face conflict which was why until very recently everybody was talking behind each…
Life = Trial by fire Death = Trial by firing squad
In Mexico City men never wear shorts and if that’s where my anxiety dreams are set they could represent
Most importantly, survival depends… your curated self lacking all self… This is best accomplished when you… lack all self-awareness, with you and your curated self
Women give hints So that men will think It was their idea I’ve never been good at taking a h… But I’m good at following orders
A grown up is someone who knows the right thing to do and does it anyway
The tough part about loving someon… is that connection supports autono… It’s tough to love someone enough to grant them their freedom and you can only do so
We crave connection Because we need it But we are addicted to social medi… Because it’s the last thing we nee… Social media mediates attention
God’s hand Is a fist Until the moment You come to fear God
If you’ve seen one mirror you’ve seen them all
It turns out that the afterlife is only as long as you can keep the exit interview go…
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
Because bodies make a fart joke of… etiquette used to dictate that whe… passed gas at, e.g., a dinner part… the polite thing to do was to pret… the fart never happened
You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things