All men come with self-destruct bu… If he seems to be missing one, you’re the button
There is one reason And one reason alone That God won’t ever give up on yo… You are His job And God loves His job
When space is finite we need to share which is colloquially known as using the Force When cyberspace is infinite
God said satis– faction guaranteed; religion is all the fine print
In the real world there is no plot to speak of but plot devices everywhere
My ego is too big
The dream has always been To build a time machine And go back in time To change the present But some things never change–
If you can control the future through predictive policing– what the Department of Justice describes as “taking data from disparate sources, analyzing them and then using the results to ...
Post-pandemic life is like being a… Who comes home only to find Her parents have replaced Her obviously dead goldfish With a new one
Johnny Cash is going to Jackson; I have been to Jacksonville
When the world is a tsar Insisting: Don’t you dare be who… Take it as a dare and risk the sca…
In the past they randomly distributed blanks amongst the firing squad so that you’d never know if you were really executing enemy…
Men require 613 mitzvos to cleave… As tightly as God cleaves to them Which is indivisibly Women, born closer to God Require just 599 mitzvos to cleave…
When hell freezes over we’ll all skate on our sins
Maybe We’re all Late bloomers