You are a rope which The devil has tied up in knots Only God can help you Untie the knots When you unfurl
China’s zero-covid policy zeroes in on ideology in order to zero out reality Americans, too, have a zero percen… making justice a total zero
In the first half of life I tried it your way and succeeded which is how I got over you In the second half of life I did it my way and failed
You may think that the unconscious Is there to protect you from seein… How the sausage is made Because if you knew You wouldn’t want to eat it
The state of nature, where there’s Something for everyone To fear Monotheism, where there’s Something for everyone
A wedding ring is a mood ring that never changes color reminding us that a husband should always feel
Keep in mind that if you’re going to jump from the frying pan into the fire a golden parachute just buys you plenty of time to ponder
If the honeymoon is over And things have gone leaden Rejoice, you have a lot of work to… Which is known as the golden age
After you’ve uploaded everything t… and run the lot of it through the… be sure to recycle, but keep a lit… perhaps in a locket around your ne… or, if you go in for irony,
Yes, I am most afraid of losing c… But you can’t lose what you don’t… So, I’m afraid of nothing Which is how you die alone The only way to live together
Let’s call the before times “The… It’s not what you know It’s who you know But after the social media It’s not who you know
Some people are orchids Some people are dandelions Some people like the ugly duckling are orchids who think they’re dand…
You don’t have to have children To help raise the children And you can have children Without working at it Raising children
In Putin’s version of Let’s Make… he shows you what’s behind Door #1… - You let Putin run you through w… AND what’s behind Door #2: - You fall on your sword to atone…
Life as we know it Is a competition for status In this competition Socialists are unequaled As are you and I