Unlike Saul, when the scales fell from my eyes I learned I was a serpent, sheddi…
Give thanks to God For we are much obliged
Human beings have always been figh… with one hand tied behind our back… Unconscious human intelligence ena… to act without thinking and conscious human intelligence a…
And so I wake in the morning and I stay inside and I take a deep breath and I let out a sigh and I stream from the top of my ru…
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
I wasn’t shocked when scientists announced that a universe already infinitely… could still be expanding because I do have an ego
As a child Whenever I played Ms. Pac Man On my Atari 2600 I dialed the settings down From four ghosts to one
You can neither know nor control t… But you can follow it And as you follow the truth You will come to know How to control yourself
Under new management, hell now consists of friendly fire
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
The new day will dawn When, at last Everything is clear as day And since that fateful day Of October 7th
Everyone looks out for their own f… This is normal But looking out for your own first by dehumanizing the other for looking out for their own firs…
If you give people enough space You’ll be amazed By their flexibility If you give people enough cyberspa… You’ll be aghast
Haunted by conflicted feelings in… my therapist and I finally traced… when I preferred Pepsi to Coke and McDonald’s to Burger King but B.K. served Pepsi
It was when Socrates ate the frui… that he added this second line of… I know that my wife knows everythi…