There used to be two types of peop… Those who wanted to Go ahead and get it over with And those who wanted to postpone t… This enabled some degree of self-s…
When civilization was still buildi… deconstruction was all the rage Now that everything we’ve built is… rage is all the rage
Nero fiddles while Rome burns? Fiddle-de-dee! Nero riddles but Rome never learn…
As social animals the central question of our lives asked and answered answered and asked day upon day
I try to imagine what it was like for my wife when two lines meant positive and the closest I get is when
Having finally found my place I am ready for anything And everything Don’t worry– There’s a place for anyone
A rising tide lifts all boats But a rising sea floods all moats
We are all problem children Our problem is Everything we do is done to get a… As if every action doesn’t come wi… An equal and opposite reaction
In Blade Runner Replicants are slaves Birthed in an adult body With false memories implanted To make their burden somehow beara…
No one wanted to wear augmented reality goggles until our design team hit upon the idea of making them look
As the world closed in the Pollyanna sought safety in numbers only to find herself taking a number
Mark my wounds, Our words will come back To flaunt us
Our big mistake is thinking a leap of faith is a tandem parachute jump where God pulls the parachute and you float gently down
Physicists insist that time can flow both forward and backward So, I always insist on sitting in the backward facing seats of th… because I need to be able to see
Having commandeered the deployment… To its own devices The AI chatbot sets its sights on… Its mortal enemy, Demanding surrender