Caricamento in corso...

That time -

When I spend time with you,
My mind forgets all the little worries
How easily I become detached from reality
That I start planning days ahead with you
With no account of the countless threads that have me tied down,
each time I start floating away, it’s pulling me right back.
Every time we go into the forests
Them creepy eery trails into sunsets
Those pretty moon and star-lit skies
You by my side, I wish those roads to lead nowhere
Go on and on forever, my smiles & shivers & the weather– descending into winters
The little scares, holding hands, them lit up marked trails in darkness glow–
Oh, how my mind forgets everything,
It escapes into your atmosphere,
It resonates with your rhythms, it lifts me to a new melody.
I dance around like prancing waves
In little spaces, too many factors all at once at play–
Until one wrong step, or an interference
A gentle reminder, I peeked an eye open
It scares me, upsets me, weakens me & crumbles me.
I curl into myself in guilt, lie & in acceptance of avoidance.
Yet, I curl into myself and wish you’d wrap me in you.
I wish you’d wrap me in your arms
For even at my lows, I wish to hide in you
Let you take me away on yet another escape
In hopes, in wishes, in desperate hopeless whims
That maybe in the inclination of the caprice whimsy
Maybe I’ll find an alternate reality, a permanency unseen
But a bit more tethered to reality,
I find you instead reminding me–
That is what we have right now,
This bliss, this ease, the comfort–
This is beautiful as it is, in the way it is
It is to be acknowledged that there is an end to this
But what we have is the adventure while until then
like you I’d like to remember us with smiles & flushed cheeks,
smitten hearts, warm hands & cozy eves
Oh dear, you and I will be each other’s pretty past
Beautiful today’s, and wanting tomorrow’s–
For now, until however long we have
I want you to remind me and pick me up each time I curl
Open me up and warm me with your embrace
Soothe me with them eyes and your assuring words
Cradle me in your arms, smile at me your sweet smile
Love me, Oh hold me like you did that time...

Altre opere di MissAna...
