Caricamento in corso...

Ferris Wheel -

In my home town, an ordinary small town
Every year there used to be a fair
On the empty plot next to the so called river
Until the land was bought, but until then–
Until then, each year we went there..
And while i have many a selected memories
Etched into the walls of my brain
What i missed the most, is the ferris wheel.
The ferris wheel, that i rode with my parents
The one thar gave little me the view of my home town
Shimmering, sparkling, like nothing I’d ever seen before.
The ferris wheel, that i could spot from far away..
As i grew older, i travelled and i saw more shimmering cities,
Some from apartment windows, flights, pictures,
And some views from other ferris wheels.
Yet, the one in my mind, stuck, is the one from my home town.
You know that little rush it gives as it gains momentum,
The pause it takes as you reach the top,
The wind through your hair, the glimmer in your eyes,
The view, oh the view, makes the littlest of towns beautiful.
I miss sitting on the ferris wheel, its been a while.
I miss ferris wheels, now i wish to find them in every city i go,
Wish to cheris that ride with someone that means something to me,
I wish to ride the ferris wheel again, and again and maybe the whole evening.
I wish for this heart to feel like a kid again, maybe cry a tear in happiness,
Rolling down the cheeks to greet a simple smile.
I wish for this heart to etch happy memories just once again.
maybe on a ferris wheel-

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