

In a garden once, a flower dwelled,
Concealing emotions deep inside,
Yet a bee sensed her hidden spell,
And ventured in, with naught to hide.
Within that perfumed, shadowed bower,
The doors of heart and soul flung wide,
Love bloomed sweetly, in that hour,
Hidden, yet unapologetically spied.
Fresh and new, untouched by time,
Love’s sweet essence did entwine,
Filling minds with rhythm’s chime,
Breaking barrenness, a divine sign.
Hearts entwined, no barriers found,
Love’s sweet song in silence bound,
Tearing walls with gentle sound,
In secret, love’s true essence crowned.
Oh, this journey, life’s endless dance,
In ways we struggle to comprehend,
But in feeling without feeling’s trance,
Let love’s tender touch, our hearts transcend.
They sought not love, bound by walls,
But love that breaks, that freely calls,
Across boundaries, love’s essence sprawls,
In hidden depths, where true love falls.

Autres oeuvres par Ruwantissa Abeyratne...
