Caricamento in corso...

Beginning of Lack of

When he began to suck my soul from my pores .. I was saddened, often

I’ve been wanting to dig deeper inside of me,
just to see what lies there.
I’ve been using my fingers lately, and I cant seem to find anything but liquid surprises.
Not what I’ve been looking for.
I’ve let the thought of my hormones overpower the beauty of my heart
My art, my creativity.
I miss myself.
I miss knowing what’s inside of me and living to express it.
I miss expressing it through my dance, and my laugh
My poems, my smile, my tears.
I miss feeling things, besides horny.
I miss my city where I spent amazing moments with some influential people.
I miss the romance, the adventure.
I miss the love, the feel of my home.
I miss being comfortable.
I miss kissing under the street lights, taking trips to the big library in center city.
I miss spending every day with my best friends.
Our laughs, our stories, our childish troubles.
Our adventures, our excitements.
The smallest things used to excite us.
I watched it turn from a simple trip to the mall or the movies, to alcohol or weed
Now we are excited to escape our lives, we want to escape our feelings,
Not embrace them.
It sucks.
I remember the lights, the center city lights that danced off the beauty of our faces.
The smell of hobo that miraculously never stayed in our clothes.
The shopping for things that was not worth of the buy
At least, it was worth it in those moments
I miss Girls’ High and my friends there
I met some amazing people, I grew to love them
I met some Asians, who taught me that their parents are strict as hell,
They work hard and are sometimes abused when they are disobedient
They are some of the strongest people in America; we should respect them when we order food.
Because they are stronger and smarter than most of us.
I bet a black family would never think to move to china to sell fried chicken and collard greens.
I learned that Indians don’t all stink.
They are beautiful and they can rock their hips like no other!
They have talent, and beautiful hair
Very cosmetic women.
I learned that white people are just as insecure as us,
We buy weave that looks like their hair and they wish they hair was thick enough to braid.
Some wish they were darker, so they tan.
They’re just as insecure as us.
All women, every race, every size, every woman.
We all share something in common so we should stick together,
Love each other, build each other, girls high sisters.
This feels soooo fucking good, sooo stress relieving, be back later

Altre opere di Goddess Heart...
