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A poem for Me

From Jordan

But right its looking like i will never find forever...
Except Mia i found you
you were my sky when it is blue
you were my wings if i could i would soar to be with you
and if i gift wrapped my love and you still didnt accept it
i would snatch the necklace from off a angel’s breasts to leave you breathless
restless, never
cause if i could sleep then i could dream
if could dream i could see she
if i could see she i could see me
me and she equals we
we equals eternity, external divinity King and Queen
her throne beside me
Girrrrrl... i would probroly drink ya bath water (lol)
But just in case i dont take this poem from author
i mean take this story from a poet, this love letter
before i call you ms. bailey i’ll call you ms. Forever
because are Ms. Forever..thank you

Altre opere di Goddess Heart...
