
Behind the Mask

Behind the mask, a secret lies,
A world unseen by prying eyes.
A smile painted, a laugh well feigned,
And beneath it all, true feelings restrained.
A mask of joy, a mask of peace,
Hiding desires that never cease.
A longing glance, a silent plea,
Hidden so well for none to see.
A mask of strength, a mask of pride,
Sheltering the fears we strive to hide.
A fortress built, a wall so high,
Guarding the truth we dare not deny.
A mask of love, a mask of care,
Concealing the burdens we bear.
A tender touch, a comforting word,
Yet, the voice from within goes unheard.
So let us shed these veils we wear,
With courage, our true selves declare.
For the end, it’s love and trust,
That turns our masks into cosmic dust.

Other works by Mark Sallee...
