#English #XXCentury
The glory of a soldier—and a soldi… Is the way he does his duty withou… His work’s not always pleasant, bu… And he grabs a bit of glory when h… But the lesson that he teaches eve…
The moon swings low in the sky abo… And the twinkling stars shine brig… And a mother sings to her baby lov… Those wonderful songs of night; Those wonderful songs of sugar plu…
My Pa he eats his breakfast in a funny sort of way: We hardly ever see him at the first meal of the day. Ma puts his food before him
If I had youth I’d bid the world… I’d answer every challenge to my w… Though mountains stood in silence… I’d try to make them subject to my… I’d keep my dreams and follow wher…
HERE 's a letter from John in th… Ain’t heard from him now fer a yea… Yes, his handwritin’ s stylish an’… An’ rounded an’ wonderf’ly clear; Says he hopes we are all well an’…
SUNDAY in the country—that’s ho… Drinking in the perfume of the fra… Gazing at the splendors of the mea… Laughing with the babbling brooks… Dancing with the sunbeams and smil…
Some fellers’ pas seem awful old, An’ talk like they was going to sc… An’ their hair’s all gone, an’ the… Or holler an’ shout when they come… They don’t get out in the street a…
Out of it all shall come splendor… Out of the madness and out of the… Clearer and finer the world shall… Why then keep sorrow and doubt in… Joy shall be ours when the warfare…
Sometimes I’m almost glad to hear… And though I try to look severe,… When mother sadly tells to me the… Because when they come tearfully,… I like to have them all alone, wit…
Old years and new years, all blend… The best of what there is to be, t… Let’s bury all the failures in the… And keep the smiles of friendship… Old years and new years, life’s in…
Best way to read a book I know Is get a lad of six or so, And curl him up upon my knee Deep in a big arm chair, where we Can catch the warmth of blazing co…
Cliffs of Scotland, guard them we… Shield them from the blizzard’s ra… Let your granite towers tell That those sleeping heroes fell In the service of their age.
Adown the lanes of memory bloom al… And looking back we smile to see l… The little sprigs of mignonette th… The pansy and the violet, too swee… The gentle mother by the door care…
Poets have sung of the old-fashion… The old-fashioned pictures that hu… The old-fashioned people, the old-… The old-fashioned fashions they lo… The squeaky armchair that our gran…
His name was Kelly Ingram; he was… And he whistled ‘Yankee Doodle,’… There was laughter in his make-up,… And he knew the best traditions an… Now there’s not a heart among us b…