#English #XXCentury
THIS morning came a man to me, h… He shook my hand and doffed his ha… Said he, ' I read your stuff each… You have a line of humor that deli… My dear wife reads it through and…
WHEN we wuz kids together, an’ w… In the lazy days of summer, when o… When a hat warn’t necessary, an’ a… An’ there warn’t a blessed thing t… Then th’ sun meant somethin’ to us…
THE little old-fashioned church,… Where the sunbeams to worship came… And the choir was composed of the… The little old-fashioned church th… With its plain, wooden cross on th…
Here she walked and romped about, And here beneath this apple tree Where all the grass is trampled ou… The swing she loved so used to be. This path is but a path to you,
WHEN the dressmaker comes I am t… For they don’t want me anywhere ha… At seven in the morning they send… With:' Don’t you come back till t… She’ll be here for a week, and we’…
There is no star within the flag That’s brighter than its brothers, And when of Michigan I brag, I’m boasting of the others. Just which is which no man can say…
The smell of arnica is strong, And mother’s time is spent In rubbing father’s arms and back With burning liniment. The house is like a druggist’s sho…
I did not argue with the man, It seemed a waste of words. He gave to chance the wondrous pla… That gave sweet song to birds. He gave to force the wisdom wise
Who is it lives to the full every… Gets all the joy and the fun that… Tough as they make 'em, and ready… Fit for a battle and fit for a cha… Heedless of buttons on blouses and…
To happiness I raise my glass, The goal of every human, The hope of every clan and class And every man and woman. The daydreams of the urchin there,
We all are warriors with sin. Cru… we come to earth With spotless plumes and shining s… with foes and prove our worth. The world is but a battlefield whe…
The new - fangled churches that do… Aren’t the churches that satisfy m… I 'm firm in my notion that angels… An’ Heaven is a place we shall se… I 'm an old-fashioned man, full of…
IF the song I have to sing Is a dreary, gloomy thing, I would rather silent be; If I cannot sing of cheer, I will never let you hear
If I knew a better land on this g… Where a man gets bigger money and… If the Briton or the Frenchman ha… I’d pack my goods this minute and… But I notice when an alien wants…
“How’s things?” says I, Says he ‘Not bad, They might be worse, But then I ’m glad They ain’t.' That’s all