#English #XXCentury
LITTLE Miss Laugh-a-Lot, Saucy the way you’ve got, Dancing with glee are the bright e… Lips like the red, red rose, Cunning, your little nose,
Last night I held my arms to you And you held yours to mine And started out to march to me As any soldier fine. You lifted up your little feet
To us the Flag has little meant. Each glorious stripe of red Was woven there to represent The blood of heroes dead. On some dim, distant battle line
There will always be something to… There will always be wrongs to rig… There will always be need for a ma… And men unafraid to fight. There will always be honor to guar…
I’M not kicking on expenses, now… I will buy chiffon and laces till… Sure her dress for graduation shal… Of the masses who behold her; it s… She shall even carry roses, when h…
I WONDER what the trees will sa… The trees that used to share his p… An’ knew him as the little lad Who used to wander with his dad. They’ve watched him grow from year…
You needn’t be rich to be happy, You needn’t be famous to smile; There are joys for the poorest of… If only he’ll think them worth whi… There are blue skies and sunshine…
The father toils at his work all d… And he hums this song as he plods… ‘Heigho! for the mother and babe o… Who watch at the window each night… Their smiles are ever before my ey…
Along the paths o’ glory there are… There are youthful hearts and stur… From the rugged roads o’ duty they… To mingle with their brothers who… And they’re looking back and smili…
One day the doctor came because my… And when he looked inside to see h… It’s tonserlitis, sure enough. Yo… To make his mind up now to have th… I’d heard him talk that way before…
He brought me his report card from… He wasn’t very proud of it and sad… He was excellent in reading, but a… And I noticed there were several… But one little bit of credit which…
He writes to us most every day, an… I can’t describe the joys with whi… He says the military life is not o… He’s only soldiering to-day to giv… But since he’s in the army now and…
We’ve had a letter from the boy, And oh, the gladness and the joy It brought to us! We read it o’er I’d say a dozen times or more. We laughed until the teardrops fel…
You can brag about the famous men… You may boast about the great men… Parsons, eloquent and wise; stars… Millionaires and navy admirals, an… Fame and power and wealth and glor…
Show me the boy who never threw A stone at someone’s cat; Or never hurled a snowball swift At someone’s high silk hat. Who never ran away from school,