

Wander by David N DOnihue

Poem by David N. Donihue
Today our minds will wander
In directions unknown
Just seconds prior
They will wander from regret
And wander from reworking
They will wander from longing
And wander from instigating
Today our minds will wander
Into the atoms that make up everything
Where one gets his energy
is where my mind is heading
Do the neurons send and receive
a simplistic love that
that’s easy to breath
Or do they recycle the negative things
Twist and turn the heart until the mind is useless
Waisted molecules when the past replaces dreams
When the mind stops roaming
And you’re left in stagnancy
So full of mourning
the loss of discovery
When the mind stops roaming
Petty grievances become one’s peace
Wack job tongues, senseless cruelty
The kind of shit that gets your car keyed
Dear God, Jesus Please
I forgive this world
for all its deeds
Reckon with life
Reckon with me
Flush the residue,
In me and him and her and we
Until the heart feels renewed
And the brain goes free
Flush the residue
For all of mankind
and, yes
Please, me
Let me wander past
what pits me against me
Today our minds will wander
Into the nothingness
of love unending
They will pointlessly even ponder
what could repaint everything
And yes they will definitely wonder
What good lies within each man
The true beauty of life
Perfectly revealed within
They will wander into new colors
They will wander into themes
And somehow uncover
What unifies our deepest dreams
Today our minds will wander
They wander to no real end
Today our minds will wander
Until we feel human again
Until we feel human again

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