
The Fight

The Fight
by David N. DOnihue

The Fight
By David N. Donihue
Today, you and I are going to meet at the crossroads
Settle all grudges
Eye for an eye
Spleen for a spleen
Tooth for a tooth
You don’t wanna fuck with me
I’m going to remind you everything you did that sucks
And you probably claim it was just bad luck
And I’ll tell you every reason that you were a prick
And you will defend yourself with some stupid shit
Yeah, we’re gonna keep going
Until we’re taking swings
Yet the only problem is
This whole time
I was actually talking to me
And others are watching
What’s it going to take for us to be better to we?

The Fight by David N DOnihue Copyright 2023

#anger #fighting #selfsabotage #struggle

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