
Tired in Tucson

Sorry, you caught me at a low point
I was doing fine for a while
Making my way through the world
Feeling good about who I was and my contribution
But damn, things have a way of changing quickly
Which is both the blessing and the curse
That gives me hope and crushes my soul
I apologize, but I’m not okay right now
Slipping back into disappointment and breathing in humiliation
For thinking I could be something and that what I gave mattered
And damn, things have a way of changing quickly
But my stomach heaves and I can’t stop spinning
Forgive me, I’m having a hard time
Trying to remember why I don’t give up
Holding on to the last threads of reminders
That damn, things have a way of changing quickly
And it’s what I do while I’m waiting
My bad, I’m just having a shit day
I’ll go to bed and wake up in the morning
Promising to be better
And damn, things have a way of changing quickly
Maybe tomorrow won’t be like this

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