The crucial ingredient for random mutation to drive evolution is a surplus of time But nothing
2/3 of the Earth Is covered by water So, most of the underground Is under water Accordingly, in dreams
Upon my retirement I thought to myself Maybe now I can get some work don…
God gave us all of creation In which to luxuriate Together Instead We chose to deconstruct
The jig is finally up When Mr. Cool Goes to shul
In this age of relentless people p… the merest exercise of reason is always a form of treason
My shampoo is nine– ty nine percent natural, as if that were enough
You’re not allowed to copy from your neighbor because you’re supposed to copy from your teacher
Men require 613 mitzvos to cleave… As tightly as God cleaves to them Which is indivisibly Women, born closer to God Require just 599 mitzvos to cleave…
Seeing as no good deed goes unpuni… Everyone else turned the job offer… And went back to waiting on their… Only the Jews understood that In the real world
It’s no coincidence that a mirror… making all self-examination a form… in which I observe myself to remak… in my own image This only works if I believe
Self-discipline is The only real self-indulgence Everything else is self-abnegation
The decisive moment at the gates o… is exactly like the denouement in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? but with one twist To make you feel the pressure
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
When my father-in-law dusted the cobwebs off our front p… they were back within the week It is hard to feel sorry for a spe… that has negligible capacities for…