A people pleaser pretends to live in Youtopia but really resides in Myopia because all he can see is what he needs from you
Growing up was hard enough when we just had cliques not today’s clicks upon cliques
They used to give me Birthday presents Now they give me A wide berth
“The week that AI went to scale” was immediately followed by “North America’s UFO weekend” as if all this time the UFOs had been waiting
Nobody wants to feel left out And we’ll do anything to stay in Which is why most people have inni… Right by their guts Because trusting your gut
As ever There is the easy way And the hard way The hard way Is being condemned to a freedom
My social medi– a persona is the mime who just won’t shut up
God said satis– faction guaranteed; religion is all the fine print
We talk about current times But time is a current That gives us our power We hate death Seeing it as the loss of all power
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
Language is great for Letting us tell each other Where it hurts And you keep telling me It hurts when I don’t listen
The critique of pure reason should have been that rational thought is impossible unless paired effectively with fee… As AI reaches escape velocity
I’ve gone from being an embarrassm… To having an embarrassment of rich… What is my wealth? Being who I am Because I Am Who I Am
In the same Talking Heads song the “road to nowhere” is both a “road to paradise” and the way “they can tell you what to… and “make a fool of you”
Most tautologies are self-fulfilling prophecies For example: Most people are average But God never met