The answer man is left with a ques… What does a woman want? The question woman is stuck with a… A good man is hard to find but eas…
You keep the peace they get everything else
I trusted the process It wrought processed food I’m still processing
More and more it feels as if we are teetering between 1984 and… but 84-33=51 bringing us to 1951 the actual lone year in question
Tired of my pre-contemplation phas… God sent me my wife Who Contemplated me during the honeymo… Prepared me for fatherhood
When we asked Jesus to explain the mechanics of the last being first He answered in yet another parable… It’s like when you’re playing tug…
You know a hipster is aging gracef… When he comes to see that Objects in mirror Are closer than they appear
The hardest thing to face is that your dreams won’t come tru… unless your fears come true first
Telling ourselves half-truths Is worse than telling ourselves li… Because Although the truth will set you fr… Just as you can’t be half pregnant
God will accept everything about you but the one thing He won’t take is the blame
Not to be outdone I cut my face off to spite my nose
For now American democracy such as it is is still getting the people it deserves
Al Gore didn’t invent the internet He created a device for the reinforcement of irrational thoughts and behaviors
An individual is someone who must… With the fact that he could be wro… And there’s no way to know for sur… But the choice must still be made The internet offers certainty
Ever since I got my first smartphone it feels like I’m visiting a museum and all the decent human beings