People ask if God is real But that’s the wrong question The real question is whether or no… We are afraid to ask that question Because we are afraid of what othe…
Where once man strove to move mountains now he settles for making them
In the new version of Heads I win, tails you lose People hate to be wrong But love to apologize And if you accept their apology
No one is exactly sure why God switched from a pass/fail syst… to having you grade yourself but there have been quite a lot of B-plusses flying ar…
If we had our druthers We would be insufferable Instead, we suffer As if desire were a curse And not our saving grace
The Cookie Monster is just living up to the name Kermit gave him
In an online community You don’t have to commute But your sins will never be commut…
Jews learned to read between the l… when time and again they were granted a lifetime membe… only to find that their membership could still be lapsed
A human has being so, we call ourselves human beings God has meaning so, we call Him
When you first arrive in hell they… Get comfortable, you’re going to b… Which is exactly how they hold on…
If you count the rings on a tree stump it will tell you the cost of doing business
“Democracy is the worst form of go… Except for all those other forms t… Since all other forms involve deat… And democracy merely involves symb… But democracy has an illness
What is the internet? It’s not a thing in space and time It’s a nothing in timeless cybersp… You could represent it with– “The symbol zero denoting the abse…
Whether or not “art is the proper task of life” the transition to AI-generated synthetic media will complete the debasement of th…
You can neither know nor control t… But you can follow it And as you follow the truth You will come to know How to control yourself