Chris Gaither

Time’s Almost Up for Our Ticking Time Bomb, but Don’t Cut the Blue Wire or the Red Wire; Cut the Crap

In the past
Anyone on the far right or far left
Could look all the way across the political spectrum
And see their opposite
On the far right or far left
In these times
The political spectrum has bent
Not into a horseshoe
But all the way into a circle
So that everyone on the far right or far left
Can look all the way across the political spectrum
Through the diameter of the circle
To see their opposite in the center
And then turn to their doppelganger right next to them
On the far right or far left
And agree that Jews are at the center of everything
Which, of course, is a bunch of malarkey–
Only God is at the center of everything;
Jews just happen to know this
Except that Jews on the far left
Have, for the time being, forgotten
But they will shortly be reminded
When their friends on the far left and far right
Have no further use for them
And only the God of Israel can save them
And when they won’t get three guesses
As to whom God will send to save them
In fact, time is exceedingly short
And they only have three seconds
To decide their fate:

Autres oeuvres par Chris Gaither...
