You’ll never convince me that when the sun and moon are out at the same time it isn’t the sun appearing at nigh…
Thinking that the purpose of life… things looked good enough on the s… to believe that my life was 24-karat gold Who knew that the purpose of beaut…
I told my daughter Let me give you some free advice: You get what you pay for And she said I don’t get it
The people pleaser’s greatest mist… is believing that if you always walk the line you will never have to
It could be the truth if it couldn’t go viral But it’s definitely pravda if it speeds our downward spiral
Globalization is the Titanic The United States dollar is the hull that keeps the Titanic af… And US debt default is
In a Hegelian reversal, I couldn’t com– plain but it would help
Trump’s genius is his nothingness which allows him to be everything e.g., He’s America’s inside joke (American democracy was a joke lon…
People still make all the mistakes but now A.I. does all the learning
It’s counterintuitive but refusing to make hard choices only to see them made on your beha… by the loudest voices still counts as being hoisted by y…
Of late, being good materialists we put space first calling this universe spacetime Yet, at the speed of light it’s not space collapsing
When at last Our time comes Just as we realize the need To give things time It will have come to pass
The turning point came after I pegged my happi– ness to the dollar
Puzzles can be solved Problems can only be exchanged
Looking for signs of intelligent l… We imagine their supremely advance… Like somnolent caterpillars Dreaming up fabulous cocoons of th…