The ferocity of narcissistic rage Is in direct proportion to the dis… The depths of their contempt And the heights of their self-rega… Healing for the narcissist will on…
I was struggling to decide Whether music is more defined by t… “90’s music is obviously the great… Or by type– “Grunge is so underrated, it’s ove…
I never expected It wasn’t forever Because that’s how long it would t… To explore the infinite So, if I’ve changed
In my third marriage I went all in on being present in the moment When she left she said that being with me
A lot of brainiacs fail to believe… Because their excellent brains Fail the brainiacs What does a brain do? Because of the ever-shifting tides…
The first step in bearing the trut… is telling it This will make you unbearable, starting the next step of banishme… Form there, it is up to you
Why do we say Where there’s smoke, there’s fire when It’s the smoke that kills you, not…
When you have to be rich just to be middle class what do you have to do to be rich? That’s what they call a good quest… And since you have no choice
This ain’t culture war– it’s one cult in action with two rival factions
Since seeing is believing all that we really want is kept out of sight, out of mind leaving everything we think we kno… to the imagination
Your ego has you fooled To stop playing the fool Start identifying with your soul And as soon as you do You’ll begin to see the ego
They call it open heart surgery But no one says open brain surgery Because, by default Our minds are closed And the only way to change minds
My astrologer credited her work wi… for the discovery of a thirteenth… Jello the Jellyfish which shares the sting of my erstw… but is distinguished by a spineles…
I knew Remain was in trouble when they announced that a vote fo… was also a vote in favor of renami… Brexit McBrexitface
Step up to bat– It’s you against the world First base– Doubt yourself Second base–