When the devil seduces a people pl… He always begins by saying Make yourself comfortable Because he knows That in order to make themselves c…
There are two kinds of people in t… Those who believe in God And those who believe in God But also believe in God You can tell the latter
You may or may not realize it yet But you’re in the army If you do You’ve got your marching orders; It’s up to you to follow them
We can’t fool God But we can fool ourselves into thi… We fooled God The surest way to do so Is to fool ourselves into thinking
Unsatisfied with the miracle of li… Peaceful transfer of power in serv… The peace movement plans to establ… A mostly peaceful monopoly on powe…
It should come as no surprise when the Emperor with no clothes e… Off with their threads!
If you take the cognitive map of… and rip it in half you’re left with two Google Maps: the one on the right of Israel
The Fed has one lever to pull– interest rates– to keep all of us consuming
I don’t meet many people with a mind like a steel trap Instead, the really smart people tend to have minds like trawling n… to catch the really big fish
Because man is condemned to freedo… his freedom has no exchange value Still, every man has his price since he is always free to sell his soul to the devil
No one can describe exactly What it was like When God spoke directly to all 2… At Mt. Sinai Because it was the only time
Desperate to identify new funding… We gambled that a steady stream of… Would flow to those whose stream o… Forebode the worst downstream effe… So, we began livestreaming the fut…
For our civilization to function everyone must be willing to meet at the disappointed hour where if you’re not five minutes t… you’re early
Who says ye cannae change the laws… Where before Every action had An equal and opposite reaction Now every reaction
In a real life version of the ugly duckling discovering h… I was the reject popsicle stick who at long last found out I was a handy tongue depressor