I was a bullshit artist until I realized a career as a bullshit scientist paid better
Note that the male tes– tes are exactly the size of small potatoes
Politics has become another form of showbiz but while the showman should always leave them wanting more the politician knows to
My wife wears her heart on her sle… Yet remains a total mystery– How can she be so sure? I’m sure I don’t know But sure enough
The last thing Tony Robbins ever… You’re rather sanguine for somebod… he’s an incurable Pollyanna
Over the course of life I’ve never managed to finish anyth… but for always completing my course of antibiotics
It always comes down to what is most important to you and what is most important to you is not knowing what is most import…
We mistake the feeling of control for the feeling of freedom when freedom actually consists of the courage to take risks Those who encourage us
I went to bed after a gabfest and had a bad dream that I woke up on, nay in, silent retreat
I was happily feeding at the trough when I noticed it had been filled with finger food
My children have no idea they are living through a golden age of comedy
Early big bang theor– ists were known for eating quite a lot of popcorn
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (C… Holds that there is a sequence In which an experience is followed… By a belief, a thought, and a feel… Fair enough
The latest version of antisemitism takes the form of a magic trick: The diversion– Antisemitism is bad The illusion–
A rational actor knows a thing or… First, he knows that by definition a solution solves a problem Second, he knows that