My A.I. Companion has one setting for telling me what I want to hear and another for what I
The world is a cast of characters Social media is a caste of caricatures
In banishing fear of the unknown By knowing it all Our risk is only greater Because now It’s the devil you know
First, we learn how to walk Then we learn how to walk away For many of us This takes the rest of our lives But if we never give up
A funny thing happened when I told them that you can either laugh or you can cr… No one laughed but for a second
When all politics were still local to exert power you were required to go where the people were gather… In cyberspace all politics are nod… and to exert power you require the…
If I said– The worst thing you can say about… is that he always plays it safe– then he sounds like a perfectly ni… But when I say–
My astrologer credited her work wi… for the discovery of a thirteenth… Jello the Jellyfish which shares the sting of my erstw… but is distinguished by a spineles…
The truth will set you free but consensus will get you academi… i.e., tenure
I know how it must sound– A two-year long two—week lockdown— But let me expound And dish the lowdown: What we fear’s a hoedown
I grew up listening to Barbara St… You don’t bring me flowers anymore and determined I’d never make that… Ten years into marriage my wife sa… Don’t bring me flowers anymore
The most surprising aspect of the… though perhaps it shouldn’t have b… was the amount of paperwork it gen…
I was the first ever lobster discovered in the wild with a rubber band around my claw clamping it shut
I could do a passable moonwalk in socks on linoleum but if I put on one glove I had to take off one sock
Faith can only move mountains by ignoring mountains of evidence Like most people who’ve lost their… I’ve retained my ability to ignore mountains of evidence