Most people can get away with sweeping a few things under the ru… but when I started working at the… I couldn’t help noticing how the rugs looked like
It’s not that we’ve abolished death but we’ve made it a mere formality
It wasn’t until I earned my MBA that I understood the second comin… as an incredible opportunity for r… e.g, think about the implications… Jesus updated from sandals to toe…
Business or pleasure? Let’s get down to business and ple… This is also known as Dying happy
He was a Murphy’s law and order R… Everyone who can be locked up will be locked up
War gave way Not to peace But to endless meetings
One problem with civilization is that the people drawn to power are precisely those who lack it
When I picked candy apples as my… (think spirit animals for foodies) I honestly had no idea I was naturally sweet but laid it on way too thick
If I say yes That’s just a guess If I say no Then I don’t know If I say maybe
If you travel through time it’s always the best of times and the worst of times; it’s just the ratio
Coffee is for the middle-aged; we need both to shit and get shit done
I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid
People wonder how long it will tak… AI to get smarter than us but the smart money is on us getting dumber than AI first
One would think the earth is flat “Unless” as the Coen brothers put it “round is funny”
If you cut off an arm you are left with a stump to which you affix a prosthetic If you cut off a face you are left with a mask