Having heard that God is everywhe… and failing to see Him anywhere the unbeliever deduces that God is neither here nor there when, in fact, God is in the air
I’m the kind of guy Who doesn’t ride a motorcycle But always wears a leather helmet
Thinking of happiness as the meaning of life is like thinking of sugar as the meaning of food
The opposite of failure Isn’t success It’s epic failure
In the cyber proxy war of all agai… We are all fighting each other So that none of us have to fight Our own worst inclinations
In becoming a celebrity a person meets the same kind of de… that a tree does in becoming a Christmas tree– embalmed in sugar
Our thick skulls are a double-edge… Protecting our fragile brains When we are brained with an actual… Even as we are so hardheaded That the truth about our lust for…
Until the company’s weekend retrea… I didn’t know that my leadership s… was like never having braces but still wearing a retainer
The question isn’t: Why is there something rather than nothing? It’s: Why does it mean something
When they start to call you clear-eyed it just means you’re a cynic whose time has come
Actually marr– iage is like riding a tan– dem unicycle
The bad news is that liberal societies can only cohere in the face of external enemies The good news is that we will never lack for
If you take a hot-blooded child and raise him in a cold-blooded cu… don’t be surprised when you get a lukewarm-blooded vulture
We spend our whole lives going in… Our mistake is believing that we’r… When we’re always either Slowly spiraling upwards Or caught in a downward spiral
There aren’t any lines That you can’t cross– This is called free will But there are lines That you can’t uncross–