I can demand control Of my fear Or I can accept That I am not in control And be not afraid
There is only one way to claim moral authority: Convincing others that they are the authority in their own life And based on exhaustive research
Setting aside crimes of passion, when people commit crimes it’s eit… they think they can get away with… or because they want to get caught Either way, they’re guilty;
The most surprising aspect of the… though perhaps it shouldn’t have b… was the amount of paperwork it gen…
Our bodies are exactly as strong as gravity’s resistance makes them… in recognition of mortality we symbolize this through the know… that gravity is the weakest
Time flies when you’re having fun And the key to fun is wanting Not having
You can’t give people the benefit of the doubt if you’re incapable of doubting yourself
It takes guts to admit you don’t belong but it’s easy to read a sign that says No admission
First, we learn how to walk Then we learn how to walk away For many of us This takes the rest of our lives But if we never give up
You can only tell that People are truly free If they work harder than everyone… Which they do because All of their work
Wash, Rinse, Reinterpret
Nobody wants to feel left out And we’ll do anything to stay in Which is why most people have inni… Right by their guts Because trusting your gut
A poem is like a dream In that it shows us the truth Without telling it Because, truth be told There’s no telling
Whenever an authority figure says It’s my way or the highway I end up wanting to have it both w…
As long as I’m working I only feel free time slipping away The fear is that if I stopped working