What’s the difference between wind… When what you desire is behind gla… And Windows shopping When what you desire is behind a s… When it’s behind glass
I like to think of The signs we are all seeing As God’s soft opening
A meaning than which nothing greater can be conceived must exist; it’s up to each of us to find it
If we’re being scientific, then The more certain you are that quan… The less certain you become as to… i.e., It works like a charm And if we’re being honest, when
You start out needing money to advance your ideology but you end up mouthing your ideol… to rake in more money
Imagine the disappointment when we… both wearing Velcro singlets but each fashioned from the softer… with nary a hook between us
“You want fries with that?” used to be a line to mock the working poor How ironic that “You want fries with that?”
I can forgive myself anything exce… All of my contingency planning Was contingent upon Sending a contingent of negotiator…
Unlike the erstwhile folks in acco… AI has a balance sheet for taste and determined that after their recent depreciation all jokes are in poor taste
There are two types of men: Those who lie to deceive and those who by lying tell you what they really believe There is one type of woman:
It used to be true that “All the world’s a stage” but now that all the world wide web’s a gauge the real world’s but a Faraday Ca…
When the whole world is a disaster area everyone becomes a comic relief worker
I had just started explaining smar… When the alien stopped me in mid-s… And explained smart phones to me Originally, in order to monitor an… They were just going to attach
Even when religion is about the symbolic it must guard against fundamentalism But when religion
In becoming a celebrity a person meets the same kind of de… that a tree does in becoming a Christmas tree– embalmed in sugar