A snowflake is a raindrop With a pattern that has crystalliz… And we are seeing patterns all aro… Because hell is finally freezing o…
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free
To be an apparatchik In our collective dissolution of… It matters not Which side you take Just as long as you remain
Post-pandemic life is a broken rec… Where they keep saying If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it
What looks like the wreckage of my life is just my crumple zone doing its job
Beauty is in the eye of the stockholder
Everybody knows that the media is a weapon of mass distraction Social media takes the next logica… as a weapon of mass refraction that distorts our vision beyond re…
I’ll go those who want to live on forever in their apartment… one better– I’ll never even leave
I knew Remain was in trouble when they announced that a vote fo… was also a vote in favor of renami… Brexit McBrexitface
Thinking the best of myself My best thinking Got me here, Before God
Our phones are latched to our face… Exactly like the Facehugger in Al… Rendering us passive As our phones insert the bioweapon We call fear
In Mexico City men never wear shorts and if that’s where my anxiety dreams are set they could represent
To elide is to join together by omitting The world elides Jews abide
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo