We already had the unconscious– A vast mechanism to shield us from… And it is so vast Because we are so very wrong But now, with the internet
The fruit of the tree of knowledge… Has fully ripened In the form of the internet Which looms large With the promise of looming catast…
You don’t have to believe in God But if you don’t I believe you will hit a wall That wall is the limit of your thi… Since you will only be able to go
Narrow minds see The narrow odds of making their es… Cleaving to the straight and narro… They’ve cleaved the path in two And because they can still see no…
As ever There is the easy way And the hard way The hard way Is being condemned to a freedom
I wasn’t shocked when scientists announced that a universe already infinitely… could still be expanding because I do have an ego
You’re supposed to love everybody but everybody knows that’s putting all of your eggs in one ba… so everybody eggs each other on in making a western omelet
Now that everyone else is also holier than thou Our far left raised the stakes becoming holier than Mao With slogans of piffle
The best way to feel in control even though all control is an illusion is to stand in a line
Over the course of life I’ve never managed to finish anyth… but for always completing my course of antibiotics
Nietzsche, who famously never marr… described marriage as a long conve… Had he wed he would have realized it’s actual… a series of brief interrogations
The arts say What can’t be said While agitprop tells us What can be said In a game of
The opposite of bad breath Isn’t good breath It’s fresh breath Because all breath is good So, you never have to hold your br…
In the cold war the gravest danger was recklessnes… which we solved with Mutually Assured Destruction The culture war
I don’t care about birds but I thrill when the squirrels can’t get to the birdseed