You can use the Force or you can use force and the Force will use you because the Dark Side or the Light Side
I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything
We live in an age when the greatest danger is an excess of caution
If you want to feel a little bit guilty just break a rule or two But if you want to feel well and truly guilty
You can tell that the far right Borg and the far left Borg are one Borg because Donald Trump
That moment when you reclassify yourself from a mystery to an unsolved mystery
Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
There are only two real superpowers: unacknowledged plagiarism and begrudging cooperation
We’ve been traveling down a street… Post-enlightenment Secular Materi… And the thing about a dead-end str… Is that it seems like any other st… Until you come to the dead end
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
Everybody knows The pen is mightier than the sword But few understand That it’s because The pen is a lightsaber
The difference between Mother Nature and God the Father is that the former doesn’t suffer fools gladly while the latter
If you want to ruin a man give him what he wants– This is the devil’s only secret
Hunting on your own might make you a lone wolf but thinking for yourself makes you a lone ant
Just because life is good doesn’t mean it isn’t also too much of a good thing