The ego always has three choices: 1. It can listen to the id and do what it wants to do 2. It can listen to the superego a… what it is supposed to do
When they locked down the third pl… (Houses of worship) And made the first two places (Home and work) Into one place
God took the risk of betting on us Because He made us to embrace ris… God is betting that we pass our on… What are you willing to risk your… a. Everything
God’s command to cells was slightly different: be fruitful and divide
You can strive for quality and never know if you will get any… You can pursue recognition and never know if you’ve done any… Or you can pretend to do both
We’ve got enough to go on That there’s enough for everybody So long as we are tough enough But we couldn’t leave well enough… And soon enough
The soul is an appendix made of wo… and while plenty of people function perfectly well without on… much like the physical appendix– which stores good bacteria
God has each of us on a leash And it is almost exactly like the… That let’s your dog roam within li… But for one crucial difference– On God’s leash we can go
We have achieved the classless society: eve– rything is tacky
When the ruffian challenges the professional by querying Am I here to amuse you? the professional displays his domi…
The depths of despair will be alleviated to the degree of your depths of attachment
Life is a brief window of opportun… And the opportunity of a lifetime Consists of the chance To help turn the wheel of time Which turns everything towards the…
The decisive moment at the gates o… is exactly like the denouement in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? but with one twist To make you feel the pressure
It’s not how well you prompt AI it’s how promptly you do so because he who laughs first will have the last laugh
You’ll never convince me that when the sun and moon are out at the same time it isn’t the sun appearing at nigh…