Secure in my authenticity I thought I’d avoided that trap which had ensnared so many of my g… the safety of ironic distance– until I realized that
I’ve long since stopped working on myself but I work overtime on my curated self
I know I’m losing an argument with my friends when my thoughts turn to lunch I know I’m winning when I’m about to lose my lunch
When I sallied forth to share my… just one voice in the wild multipl… They told me to go fly a kite; it seemed that’s just life in the… Then I recalled as it began to ta…
It’s a lot easier for men to dwell in the mystery of what a woman wants than to acknowledge what it is exactly that
The culture war is a total war burning down everything from sea to shining sea
Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
When I was a baby My mother wiped my bum Social media, then, is the fountai… As I become its obedient child Every time it wipes my memory
Who is my trainer? God Who is my sparring partner? God Who is my cornerman?
As a start Put your mouth where your money is… This is called telling the truth But, of course Telling the truth
In my culture low hanging fruit is considered a delicacy
It should come as no surprise when the Emperor with no clothes e… Off with their threads!
The sloth’s plangent gaze confirms what we already know: The eighth deadly sin is haste
Charles Horton Cooley said “I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am” Before the like button
A planning committee’s second most… Is coming up with a plan That everyone can agree to But no one is happy with This sounds strange until you real…