Honesty is the best policy but it’s not an evidence-based practice
If you really loved robins you would stuff your bird feeder full of worms
Where before It was handed to me on a silver-pl… Where everything real was just bel… Now I’ve found the real way forwa… By making it up as I go along
The second we try Patience Is the moment we stop trying God’… Patience
I grew up listening to Barbara St… You don’t bring me flowers anymore and determined I’d never make that… Ten years into marriage my wife sa… Don’t bring me flowers anymore
Human beings are that species For whom No Is considered a cryptic response While
A student’s job has always been to put received knowledge into their own words or, more simply to state the obvious
Your life is just a reflection of… So, imagine what would happen if The first cause was your first pri… In the beginning It just might cause you
Nothing is esoteric The mystical is the every-day There are no secrets But there is a lot of denial
Where the Cold War was Spy vs. Spy The Psyberwar is Psy vs. Psy
I’ve done the math and the whole is only greater than the sum of its parts when the group is made up of individuals
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
People who enter a plea of I’m sorry if you were offended are bargaining for a sentence of time served reckoning they’ll have got off sco…
We rent an apartment so my wife told me that technicall… I am the interim king of my own ca…
Scientists insist that 95% of the… consists of undetectable, unknowab… because this belief makes their ca… Like you and me the little that they do know