When postmodern nihilism governs w… Western elites govern by playing i… Because nothing is worth the risk
I bought a Toyota because it’s bulletproof to compensate for the fact that I’m not even rubber bulletproof
If you’re going to take sick leave… take FMLA
If you want to feel a little bit guilty just break a rule or two But if you want to feel well and truly guilty
All consciousness is false consciousness but some consciousnesses are easier to fake
The pleasure in a magic show is wondering how the magician did it
The three most powerful words in the English language are not I love you; they are So be it
Money can’t buy me love; Bitcoin doesn’t need to
When I filter my selfie it becomes a safie
Your life is just a reflection of… So, imagine what would happen if The first cause was your first pri… In the beginning It just might cause you
Your mind Is playing a trick on you And you are the trick But since all healing Is a form of getting over yourself
Our bodies are exactly as strong as gravity’s resistance makes them… in recognition of mortality we symbolize this through the know… that gravity is the weakest
Unsatisfied with natural consequen… human beings concocted perverse in… which is to say where once we were mere mortals now we are self-defeating
If Wile E. Coyote ever caught the Roadrunner he’d suddenly lose interest
Now that everyone else is also holier than thou Our far left raised the stakes becoming holier than Mao With slogans of piffle