When the devil told me “Fuck-up is a noun And so are you” I didn’t know if he meant I’m also a fuck-up
You need to follow the rules all t… so that you’re following the rules… At the same time, you need to know exactly when to break the rules But there can’t be a rule for brea…
I know I’m losing an argument with my friends when my thoughts turn to lunch I know I’m winning when I’m about to lose my lunch
All dressed down with nowhere to go
The true test of power today is whether or not you can be forced to accept a forced apology
In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
I am just like everyone else In that I am nothing like anyone… Which is how I am one While we too are one
It was an open secret that on his day off Sisyphus liked to go downhill skii…
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
By now, everybody knows Rick Deck… So, we know that when replicants r… from slave labor they are hunted down and “retired”… in service to the true humans
Successful interpretation of the m… Codex on the Golden Rule found in the cavernous ruins of early 21st century civilization may hold the key to understanding
Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
We used to worry about selling out; now we’re terrified of not buying in
When you cut the umbilical cord children remain reliant on their p… until they start to become self-re… by attaching to their friends as a step towards the full self-re…
But surely, you’ve noticed by now That all progress is incremental Across increments of time Because all progress is time-bound And the unfolding of time