We believe that God is being because it’s our only way to access God as meaning
When I was a baby My mother wiped my bum Social media, then, is the fountai… As I become its obedient child Every time it wipes my memory
For every deep dive into the data there’s a data analyst with the be…
As human beings Every last one of us Is trying to get away with somethi… So, give thanks to God– He will never let us get away
Meaning is inherent to language And language is inherent to human… So, meaning is inherent to us huma… What does this mean? That’s open to interpretation
When America was grouped by right… We could always meet in the middle… This was called democracy But those days are over With America divided into
Now that everything is at last Out in the open People shut their eyes Not to escape the truth But to hide from their own blindne…
Late capitalism compensated for it… by blending it into its own propri… No one can redeem the past But everyone can redeem coupons!
The love was exactly as strong as… So, if I could keep the peace I could keep the love Somehow, someway, I found peace And to them this meant war
We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
The discomfort that Americans now all evince in one another used to be reserved for old people who get rich quick
My first meeting with God was ver… I knocked on the door and said “Excuse me?” God didn’t look up from what He w… As He calmly and firmly explained
When I was a young man I couldn’t see the forest for the trees Now that I am old and wise I can’t see the forest
No one loves a woman like her man and no one loves capitalism like its Marxists In each case
The purpose of our education syste… Is to condition us to give the rig… Which, of course Are those that please the authorit… The necessary condition for real l…