The problem is we’re running out of time and the only solution is playing the long game
Modern research methods have detec… that there’s no such thing as a ba… leaving scientists puzzled as to w… the whole bunch is still spoiled
Life may be defined by loss But the picture Next to the definition Depicts acceptance
The narcissist is a two—sided coin… Heads, I need you Tails, I hate you– and the more you meet a narcissist… the more they will hate you
When the devil told me “Fuck-up is a noun And so are you” I didn’t know if he meant I’m also a fuck-up
Our central moral sentiment– that doing the right thing is its… hasn’t done us much good because through it we live in deni… that in this world
I used to stand on the moral high ground to look myself in the eye but now that I’ve plucked it out and thrown it away
Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
In the first take of Braveheart’s… Mel Gibson directed William Wall… “Freedom and responsibility!” But as a practiced antisemite Gibson quickly realized his error
Much of life is boring Which is also why Life is so funny
One of my favorite Peloton instru… Said the following: “You don’t get stronger during the… You get stronger when you recover” By workout I take him to mean
Entire lives can be lived waiting for the other shoe to drop although often this just means you’re being crushed at a snail’s…
The saying goes There’s no I in team But there is a me And it’s because You give yourself to the team
We are connected therefore I think I am A nexus without a group
If you want a world that isn’t just a bunch of window dressing don’t have a world in which we’re all constantly being window…