I won the day when my antagonist branded me a reactionary because, of course, I’m an overreactionary
Time marches on and for mere mortals it marches to the beat of its own… which is how we got rhythm But the immortals found
Time is relentless. Are you?
The real miracle is that While you can’t believe without im… You can fake it ‘til you make it Revealing the passage towards beli… Belying your disbelief with the ac…
Change is unknown territory And materialism is the attempt To map the entire territory So that nothing can change Cyberspace then takes the frozen t…
Vision: In an age when there is n… Mission: Because time flies when…
Forgetting that God has promised To never repeat the Flood We’ve busied ourselves opening the… Expecting to end it all As we flood the planes
In the face of loss I staved off loss of control by gainsaying a loss for words
Faith is an act of will power And since faith isn’t knowledge Because it necessarily involves do… For now, the act is always a predi… I will believe
People wonder how long it will tak… AI to get smarter than us but the smart money is on us getting dumber than AI first
When civilization was still buildi… deconstruction was all the rage Now that everything we’ve built is… rage is all the rage
We all know that one word or phras… Can mean two different things But we forget that one thing Can mean two different words or ph… To wit
It’s said you become what you hate; I hate losing things
Each and every TikTok is a remake of the Zapruder film
You’re only truly clever When the devil says “Live forever If only from God you’ll sever” And you reply “Never For God is always my lever