If you leave well enough alone for long enough you’ll have enough to make you cry
No shoes, no shirt, no service Just say no Do not pass go, do not collect $20… Don’t call us, we’ll call you No pain, no gain
Nietzsche, who famously never marr… described marriage as a long conve… Had he wed he would have realized it’s actual… a series of brief interrogations
In the new version of socialism You can own as much property as yo… You just can’t own your mistakes
If: “The unconscious is structured lik… Then: The ego is structured like a trans… of that language into the mother t…
Before Descartes, you had to prove yourself with deeds After Descartes, you could prove yourself with words It’s been a war of words ever sinc…
I’ll go those who want to live on forever in their apartment… one better– I’ll never even leave
No one is exactly sure why God switched from a pass/fail syst… to having you grade yourself but there have been quite a lot of B-plusses flying ar…
Men are from Mars Women are from everywhere else
Liberalism is a gift That can only be received from Go… Sourced anywhere else It becomes a debt That can never be repaid
The Cheshire Cat and Schrodinger’s Cat couldn’t agree on a place to meet
The problem is we’re running out of time and the only solution is playing the long game
I believe in God and I believe in liberalism The tension between these two beliefs
Everything dear to you? You can take all of that and throw it out the Overton window
Because I never learned anything… I learned the hard way that it’s the only way to learn anything at all