You can’t know what you will decid… But you will know when you have de… You can’t know how you will act on… But you already know what is at st… Everything hangs in the balance;
Thinking of happiness as the meaning of life is like thinking of sugar as the meaning of food
I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right not to mean it
The cover-up is always worse when there’s no crime
If you make the mistake of believi… there’s no room for error the surest way to avoid making ano… is to keep making the same mistake
In the past walking into a cathedral made you feel small Now it makes you feel fat
If we insist It’s not a competition It becomes A war If we admit
When I got my first honey-do list after the wedding I explained to my bride that I us… until I was bitten by one of the 5… that don’t make webs
Life = Trial by fire Death = Trial by firing squad
It was all systems go in my search for a new belief syst… until I realized all systems go too far
The easiest way to tell that climate change is a new religion is that it allows for plenty of missed deadlines
Father knows best practice is to ask your mother
Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
Fight fire With fire Accordingly, A bureaucracy can solve any proble… With more paperwork
In school they put me in the gifted class but as one of my favorite teachers finally put it “There’s just something missing”